Private Lessons are a great way to increase your dancing ability.  How do you feel about...

...learning at your own pace?
...learning with your own partner?
...learning more complicated material?
...learning more techniques?
...learning a dance not offered anywhere else?

...getting a semi-private with your own group?
...getting individual instruction?
...getting better faster?
...getting better at spins and turns?
...getting a polished look?
...getting more answers?

...concentrating on a single area?
...concentrating on more West Coast Swing?
...moving onto the next level?

...being able to find the beats in the music?
...being able to dance to any song?
...being able to ask more questions?
...being able to adjust to any dancer like a professional?
...being able to stay on the beat without getting lost?
...being a smoother dancer?
...being more impressive?
...dancing more like a professional?

These are questions are asked all the time.  If taking a Private Lesson sounds better for you, then let's get together and see for yourself.